Upcoming Events for the Week of October 25th

here is a roundup of this week’s conferences, webinars, and trainings for home visitors and others who work with pregnant women and families with little ones. also included: events around L.A. county that you can share with the families you serve. want to look further into the future? See the extensive lists we update weekly for:

Home Visiting and Early childhood Professionals
Parents, Caregivers, and Families

Do you have something for us to include? Email vreyes@labestbabies.org. and stay in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!

October is:

Breast cancer awareness Month
Down Syndrome awareness Month
Eye Injury Prevention Month
Health Literacy Month
Meet the Blind Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Dental Hygiene Month
National domestic violence awareness MonthSee 211 LA County’s domestic violence resources
National medical Librarians Month
Pregnancy and infant Loss awareness MonthSee grief support resources in L.A. County, Postpartum.net’s resources, and follow #NeverBeStill on social media 
Prenatal-onset GBS disease recognition Month
Spina Bifida awareness MonthSee the Expectant Parent’s Guide, and this “News Moms Need” blog post on reducing the risk of having a baby with spina bifida.
Sudden Cardiac arrest awareness Month
Sudden infant death Syndrome (SIDS) awareness Month – much more resources on SIDS:LA county Dept. of Public health Flyer

SIDS information & Materials

Safe to sleep campaign and the #SafeSleepSnap Toolkit

Mental disease awareness Week (October 3 – 9)See NAMI’s totally free online education program for parents and caregivers of children experiencing mental health symptoms.
National primary care Week (October 4 – 9)
Walk to school Day (October 6)
World mental health Day (October 10)
World sight Day (October 14)
Blind Americans Equality Day (October 15)
World pregnancy & infant Loss Remembrance Day (October 15)
National Women’s Blood pressure awareness Week (October 17 – 23)
National health education Week (October 18 – 22)
National Check Your Meds Day (October 21)
Respiratory care Week (October 24 – 30)
National school Backpack awareness Day (October 27)
World Occupational therapy (OT) Day (October 27)
World Psoriasis Day (October 29)

Events happening throughout October

COVID-19 Vaccine Registration for LA county ResidentsOpen Registration, 8:00am – 8:00pmSee the website for information on which groups are currently being vaccinated. No Internet access? Call (833) 540-0473 for support with appointments Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 8:30pm.Presented by county of Los Angeles department of Public HealthEarly childhood and family Engagement EventsPresented by the Los Angeles Public Library:

Baby & Toddler Storytime Outside: Wednesdays, 10:00am: Valley Plaza Branch Library, 12311 Vanowen Street, North Hollywood, CA 91605
Storytime Online: Tuesday – Friday, 10:00am
Outdoor Arts & Crafts: Wednesdays, 4:00pm: Pio Pico – Koreantown Branch Library, 694 S. Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90005
Virtual Mini-Storytime: Thursdays, 11:00am

For much more information on the events hosted, please refer to this calendar.

Monday, October 25

Virtual Event: ZERO TO THREE’s 2nd annual Virtual conference – Take HeartOctober 25 – 29Presented by ZERO TO THREEGet Screened for breast cancer (Mobile digital Mammography)October 25, 8:30am – 2:00pm: Northgate Market South Gate, 4155 Tweedy Boulevard, South Gate, CA 90280To qualify for this totally free service, you should be 40 years of age or older, have no breast symptoms, have a low household income and have no insurance. schedule an appointment by calling 1 (877) 4AN-EXAM / 1 (877) 426-3926.Presented by Alinea medical ImagingVirtual Training: Exploring the “Development is a journey conversation Roadmap”: A tool for Talking with FamiliesOctober 25, 9:00am – 12:00pmPresented by Brazelton Touchpoints CenterVirtual Training: Sensory Integration: Applications to understanding and Intervening with Young Children with mental health NeedsOctober 25, 9:00am – 4:30pmPart of the Birth to five mental health Core Training SeriesPresented by CHLA Early childhood mental health Program in partnership with USCWebinar: childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention for local health ProgramsOctober 25, 10:00am – 11:00amPresented by State of California’s department of Public HealthWebinar: Centering Survivors for Transformative Change: Exploring economic Supports to avoid sexual and Intimate partner violence with FreeFromOctober 25, 11:00am – 12:30pmPresented by PreventConnect and national resource center on domestic ViolenceLos Angeles county Women + Girls initiative Governing Council MeetingOctober 25, 1:00pm – 3:00pmTo join by phone, call (323) 776-6996 and enter meeting ID: 964 511 665#To view the agenda for this meeting, click here.Presented by Los Angeles county Women and Girls Initiative

Tuesday, October 26

Expecting Fathers group for Black Dads – Postpartum: Steps to Take once baby is BOrnoCtober 26, TBATO SIGN UP For this Totally Free Zoom Workshop, please email dmauldin@ph.lacounty.gov.prented by blackfinss and families Family reading workshops – 2October 26, November 29, November 2 & 4, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AMLES Workshops Child for adults who are working on their literacy skills in English and Child Caregivers of children from 0 to 8 years old. For more information, send an email to literacy@lapl.org or call (213) 228-7540.Preated by Los Angeles Public LibraryDay of Hope Event – Totally Free Haircuts, Haccés, Hygien Packs, Showers, Legal Services, And FoodoCtober 26, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (While Supplies Last): 1313 N. Edgemont Street, Los Angeles, CA 90027Preented by The Hope Center and Otherswebinar: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention For Health Care ProfessionalSocTober 26, 10:00 AM – 11:00 ampresented by State of California’s Department of Public HealthFamilies Read Together Virtual Workshops – Session 2October 26, 28, November 2 & 4, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AMTHEE Workshops Area English Literacy Skill And Are Parents Or Caregivers For Children Ages 0-8 Years Old. For Much More Information, Email literacy@lapl.org or call (213) 228-7540.Presented by Los Angeles Public Librarywebinar: Breeding, Feeding & Leading: Innovations That Increase Food Safety and Security & Produce ConsumptionOctober 26, 11:00 ampresented by produce For Better Health Foundation and Bayerdomestic Violence and Homelessness in Our Community: Multi-disciplinary Method to Supporting Survivors And Their ChildrenoCtober 26, 12:30 pm – 2:00 PMSEE The Flyer Here, And Register For The Zoom Meeting Here.Presthed by Los Angeles City ATTORNEY’S OFFICEFREE Virtual Baby Shower, Prizes, Support, And Community ResourcesOctober 26, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pmthis event is for expecting families Living In and around The Los Angeles Area. Prizes, Community Resources, and Prenatal / Postpartum Support Will Be Available. Families Are Encouraged to Register For This Event AS SPACE IS LIMITED.PRESENTED by Adventist Health White Memorial Medical Center’s Welcome Baby ProgramVirtual Event: Common Sense Together: Building A Better Tomorrow for Our KidsoCtober 26, 5:00 pmpresented by Common SensePartnership Joint MeetingOctober 26, 5 : 00pm – 6:30 pmfor much more information, please contact beststartav@all4kids.org.presented by children’s Bureauyour Home is Someone’s Workplace! How to Hire A House Cleaner, Nanny OR Homecare WorkerCtober 26, 6:00 pm – 7:00 PMPresentually by Los Angeles County Consumer & Company Affairs And Hand in Hand – The Domestic Employers Networking 37th Georgette Shatford Memorial Lecture Series: How to Survive And Thrive When Mental Disease Acfects You and Your Family – Building Healthy RelationshipsOctober 26, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pmpresented by Nami San Gabriel Valley and Pacific Clinics

Wednesday, October 27

Virtual Event: Funder’s Circle Work Group MeetingOctober 27, 9:30 am – 10:30 aminterested in joining? Please Email Sierra Smith at Sierra@openpaths.org.prenented by South La South Bay African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM) Community Action TeamVirtual Training: Communicating Around Covid-19: Helping Folx Navigate Online InfoOctober 27, 10:00 AM – 11 : 00Ampretented by Clear Language Labvirtual Event: Promoting Mental Health and Family Well-Being in Today’s World – Understanding Depression and Fostering Resilience (Part 2 of 3) October 27, 10:00 AM – 11:30 ampresenter by Brazelton Touchpoints Centerwebinar: The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Children Birth Through Eight, by Dr. Donna HousmanoCtober 27, 11:00 ampresented by Early Childhood Investigations Webinars and Housman Institutewebinar: Organizational Self-Care: Creating A Culture of Self-Care at Your OrganizationCtober 27, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PMPresenthed by Health Outreach PartnersWell: Fall 2021 Diabetes in Special & Susceptible Populations Webinar Series: Diabetes Continuum of Care: Developing Patient-Centered Res OURST FOR DIABETES CARE (Part 2 of 4) October 27, 11:00 ampresented by National Training and Technical Support Partners (NTTAP), FarmWorker Justice, National Health Care For The Homeless Council, And National Nurse-LED Care Consortiumwebinar: Portable Peace Practices Session Three: Movements for Mental and Physical BalanceoCtober 27, 12:00 Ppresented by California Wic AssociationWell: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention for Parents and CommunitiesOctober 27, 1:00 pm – 2:00 PMPresenthed by State of California’s Department of Public HealthHealth Eating Lifestyle 5-Week Program ( HELP) / The Healthy Lifestyle and Food Program (Help, for its acronym in English) October 27, November 3, 10, 17 and 24, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pmThis Program is for overweight or Obese Children Ages 8- 12 Years Old. The Five-Week Virtual (Zoom) Program Will Help Guide Children To Adop New Healthier Eating and Physical Activity Habs. To Register, Please Contact Barbara Gonzalez at (213) 742-5553 OR Through Email Atbara.Gonzalez@CommonSpirit.org.Este programa es para niños con sobrepeso de las edades de 8-12 años. El programa virtual de 5 semanas ayudará a los niños a adoptar un estilo de vida saludable e incorporar más actividad física. Para registrarse, por favor contacte a Barbara Gonzalez al 213.742.5553 o Barbara.Gonzalez@CommonSpirit.org.Presented by Dignity health – California medical facility medical Center

Thursday, October 28

Virtual Event: Systems and Obesity: Advances and Innovations for Equitable health and Well-Being: A third Workshop SeriesOctober 28, 7:00am – 11:45amPresented by The national Academies of Science, Engineering, and MedicineVirtual Training: Trauma, Parenting, and Challenging Behaviors (School-Age)October 28, 9:00am – 10:30amPresented by California Training Institute (CalTrin)Webinar: Being present with FamiliesOctober 28, 10:00am – 11:00amTo view the 2021/2022 start Early webinar schedule, please click here.Presented by start EarlyWebinar: Using Culturally Responsive Practices during TransitionsOctober 28, 11:30am – 1:00pmPresented by Brazelton Touchpoints CenterVirtual Event: Asian Pacific Islander Breastfeeding task force general MeetingsOctober 28, 1:00pm – 3:00pmFor much more information, email Cindy Young at cyoung@breastfeedla.orgPresented by Asian Pacific Islander Breastfeeding task force of Greater Los AngelesFright night – Haunted tunnel & resource FairOctober 28, 4:00pm – 6:00pm: 501 S. Bixel Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017All ages are welcomed, costumes are highly encouraged and face masks are required. For much more information, contact collegecorner@laccnp.org or call (323) 500-3295.Presented by central City neighborhood Partners¿Cómo reclamo o recibo los beneficios del crédito tributario por hijo?October 28, 4:00pm – 5:00pmPresented by Los Angeles county consumer & company Affairs’ center for financial Empowerment

Friday, October 29

Virtual Costume contest for NICU/PICU Babies and Infants 0–12 Months of AgeSubmission Deadline: October 29The winner of the costume contest will win a $25 Target gift card and a might Little Giants swag bag. send photos to info@mightylittlegiants.org.Presented by Mighty Little GiantsFree COVID-19 Mobile Vaccine clinic for anybody Ages 12 and OlderOctober 29, 8:00am – 3:30pm: Roosevelt Park, 7600 Graham Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001No appointment needed. Bring photo ID to confirm age. For questions, call the office of Supervisor Holly Mitchell at (213) 974-2222.Presented by the office of Los Angeles county Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell and othersWebinar: childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention for environmental ProfessionalsOctober 29, 10:00am – 11:00amPresented by State of California’s department of Public HealthVirtual Event: Systems and Obesity: Advances and Innovations for Equitable health and Well-Being: A third Workshop SeriesOctober 29, 10:00am – 1:00pmPresented by The national Academies of Science, Engineering, and MedicineFree COVID-19 testing and Vaccinations – and book GiveawaysOctober 29, 10:00am – 4:00pm (every Friday in October)Morgan Park, 4100 Baldwin Park Blvd., Baldwin Park, CA 91706No appointment or ID required.Presented by the office of Los Angeles county Supervisor Hilda Solis and El Proyecto del BarrioWelcome baby information SessionOctober 29, 10:30am – 11:30amThis event is for expecting families living in and around the Los Angeles area. To RSVP by phone, call Melina at 213-342-3127.Presented by the Welcome baby program at California medical facility medical Center/Maternal and child health Access

Saturday, October 30

Free COVID-19 Mobile Vaccine clinic for anybody Ages 12 and OlderOctober 30, 8:00am – 3:30pm: Roosevelt Park, 7600 Graham Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001No appointment needed. Bring photo ID to confirm age. For questions, call the office of Supervisor Holly Mitchell at (213) 974-2222.Presented by the office of Los Angeles county Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell and othersAsk a Lawyer: Im

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